Prof. Dr. Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo, M.A
Mentor – Scopus ID : 36731458100
Bio Singkat
Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo is a professor of religious studies at Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Pontianak of West Borneo. He is also the editor-in-chief and the founder of Al-Albab journal of religious studies. With the support of Fulbright Scholarship he finishes his MA in justice and peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) in Virginia, USA. He earns his Ph. D. in religious studies from Gadjah Mada University after completing his Visiting Research Fellowship at Oxford University.
- Ph. D. in religious studies from Gadjah Mada University
- Â M.A in justice and peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) in Virginia, USA
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