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3 (Selasa) 15:32 - 7 (Sabtu) 15:32 View in my time
Strategies for students’ well-being development: the task- oriented classroom approach | Esa Nur Wahyuni, Ali Maksum, Rahmat Aziz, Retno Mangestuti | 2025 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) |
An exploration of students’ creativity through a mixed-methods study in the classroom | Rahmat Aziz, Agus Maimun, Abdul Hamid, Masturin, Alfiana Yuli Efiyanti | 2025 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn) |
The Forgotten Knowledge: Pandemics in Islamic Manuscripts | Nyimas Umi Kalsum, Mustaqim Pabbajah, Irwan Abdullah, Vincamira Tasha Florika | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Religion and Health |
Traditional Birth Attendants as Guardians of Tradition Amidst Modernization in Javanese Culture | Mochammad Najmul Afad, Agus Indiyanto, Maghfur Ahmad, Nur Fajariyah, Mukh Imron Ali Mahmudi | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal |
From Conflict to Peace: FuqahaPolitical Exegesis onIsrael’s War Crimes in Palestine | Abdul Basid | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Al-Istinbath: Jurnal Hukum Islam |
The stagnation of leadership in Catholic religious universities in Indonesia | Adison Adrianus Sihombing, Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo, Irwan Abdullah, Maifalinda Fatra, Nur Rahmiani | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Studies in Catholic Education |
Battras: Holders of Traditional Medicinal PlantsKnowledge in East Lampung, Indonesia | Yudiyanto, Anisatu Z. Wakhidah, Irwan Abdullah, Agus Indiyanto | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Tropical Life Science |
The Role of Jepuro Inter-Ethnic Cemeteries in Religious Moderation: Global Sociological and Anthropological Perspectives | Fathimah, Moch Nasrul Hakim, A.M. Wibowo, Dwi Istiyani | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | HSE Social and Education History |
Happiness Permissibility: Negotiating Hadith on Polygamy as Perfection of Worship in Wahdah Islamiyah Muslim Women | Rahmin Talib Husain, Abd. Hamid Wahid, Mahbub Ghozali, Zumiyati Sanu Ibrahim, Misbahuddin Asaad | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | AL-IHKAM: Jurnal Hukum & Pranata Sosial |
The impact of local language on public understanding of religious messages | Hamidah, Masyhur Dungcik | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Social Sciences & Humanities Open |
Digitization of Religious Tafsir: The Fading of Indonesian Ulama Authority in Post Truth Era | Moh. Nor Ichwan, Mustaqim Pabbajah, Faizal Amin | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Jurnal Studi Ilmu-ilmu Al-Qur’an dan Hadis |
The Existence of Social Boundaries as a Factor of Violent Conflict in a Pluralistic Society | Irwan Abdullah, Hasse Jubba, Suparto Iribaram, Zainal Abidin, Leny Nofianti, Putri Ananda Saka | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | The International Journal of Diverse Identities |
The Controversy of Social Forestry Policy: Public Reaction on the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Decree No. 287/2022/KHDPK in Java, Indonesia | Mohammad Adib, Irwan Abdullah, Myrtati D. Artaria, Rustinsyah, Sulikah Asmorowati, Baiq Wardhani, Mohd Roslan Rosnon, & Musta’in Mashud | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Forest Science and Technology |
Neglected Students’ Subjective Well-Being in World-Class Universities: A Qualitative Study | Esa Nur Wahyuni, Alfiana Yuli Efiyanti, Baharuddin, Ali Maksum, Rahmat Aziz | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun |
Readiness of Islamic Higher Education Institutions in Indonesia for future quality assurance | Mochamad Iskarim, Aenurofik, Junaeti | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Quality Assurance in Education |
Economic empowerment of unbanked women through financial inclusion in Indonesia | Rozalinda, Yenti Afrida, Irwan Abdullah, Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo, Muthia Ulfah, Putri Ananda Saka, & Jumni Nelli | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Business & Management |
Pronunciation therapy for deaf students in coping with Arabic letter difficulties | Rika Astari, Abdul Mukhlis, Hanif Cahyo Adikistoro, Tri Purwanti, Muhammad Irfan Faturrahman, Rudy Yuniawati, Choirul Mahfud | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education |
The Neglect of Protection for Undocumented Migrant Workers within the Framework of Human Rights Law | Devi Rahayu,Dina Imam Supaat, Mirna Yusuf | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | LEGALITY: Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum |
Strenghthening Zakah Compliance among Indonesian Muslims through the Role of Institutional Capabilities | Syaparuddin Razak, Moh. Nasuka, Syahabuddin, Kamaruddin Arsyad, Muh. Darwis | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance |
Teungku Kuta Karang: a transnational Acehnese figure in colonial era | Fakhriati, Irwan Abdullah, Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo, & Reza Perwira | 2024 | Buka Sumber tautan | Cogent Arts & Humanities |
Mumarasat ‘Adam Al-Shar’i Fi Al-Bunuk Al-Islamiyya: Dirāsa li Arā’ Muwaẓẓifī al-Bunūk al-Islāmiyya al-Sābiqīn fī Indūnīsiyā | Safrudin Edi Wibowo, Taha Ramadan Ibrahim Zaghloul, Fathiyaturrahmah, Nurhidayat | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Indonesian Islam |
Shortage of sculptors of shadow puppets’ facial features (Bedhahan) for Wayang performance | Hanggar BudiPrasetya, Hariyanto, Senja Mendi Pangestu, Udreka, Lucia Lusi AniHandayani, dan Putri Ananda Saka | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies |
Enhancing Mental Health Literacy in University; Interactions between Student Initiatives and Counselor Strategies | Wahyuni E.N., Mangestuti R., Rahayu I.T., Aziz R., Muhid A. | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Health Education and Health Promotion |
Interethnic Collaboration: A Case Study of Nias and Minangkabau Ethnic Groups in West Sumatera, Indonesia | Susi Fitria Dewi, Rika Febriani, Alia Azmi, Febri Yulika | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies |
Islamic NGOs Manifestation of Ta’awun in Supporting the B40 Group in Sabah during the COVID-19 Pandemic | Sintang, S., Abdul Hamid. F.A., Samsul, S. S., Prasojo, Z.H., Abang Muis, A. R., Ramlie, H. A. | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Global Journal Al-Thaqafah |
A Model of Transformative Religious Education: Teaching and Learning Islam in Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor, Indonesia | Jusubaidi, Anwar Mujahidin, & Ahmad Choirul Rofiq | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Millah: Journal of Religious Studies |
The Implications of Hamka’s thoughts in tafsir al-Azhar on the standpoint of Islamic social organizations in preventing authoritarianism in Indonesia | Bukhori Abdul Shomad, Anwar Mujahidin, & Ahmad Choirul Rofiq | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies |
Meanings behind community resistance in the play Leng and their cultural relevance: a theatersemiotics analysis | Nur Sahid, Arthur S. Nalan, Yudiaryani, Nur Iswantara, Junaidi, & Henky Fernando | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Arts & Humanities |
Bibliometrics of Family Law Research Trends in Southeast Asia: An Analysis Two Decades 2003-2023 | Henky Fernando, Yuniar Galuh Larasati, & Irwan Abdullah | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | El-Usrah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga |
Students’ critical awareness of the internet and social media use as resources for Islamic learning in Indonesian public senior high schools | Ju’subaidia, Anwar Mujahidin, Irwan Abdullah, & Ahmad Choirul Rofiq | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | British Journal of Religious Education |
Readiness to change in Islamic banking: the significance of adaptability and Islamic work ethics | Yenti Afrida, Harif Amali Rivai, Laura Syahrul, Hendra Lukito | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Islamic Marketing |
Space of Conflict in the Reproduction of Hindu Sacred Places into Spiritual Destination | I Gede Sutarya and I Ketut Arta Widana | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Space and Culture, India |
Navigating the Journey to Peace: A Study of Assimilation and Reitegration of Ex-Offenders of Terrorism | Muhammad Adnan, Najahan Musyafak, Budi Setiyono, Anita Amaliyah | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Law and Sustainable Development |
Gender Reconstruction in Indonesian Muslim Families in Hadith Memes | Nikmatullah, Inayah Rohmaniyah, Zaenudin Amrulloh, Saifuddin Zuhri Qudsy | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Italian Sociological Review |
Enviromental Governance in Indonesia: Muhammadiyah’s Role, State Intervention, and Legal Practice Dynamics | Muhammad Wahdini, Kamsi, Hasse Jubba | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Syariah: Jurnal Hukum dan Pemikiran |
Pancasila as the Core Value for Character Building in Islamic Higher Education Institutions | Tabrani ZA, Warul Walidin, Saifullah Idris, Miftachul Huda | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun |
The State Intervention in the Islamic Education in Aceh: Threats or Opportunities? | Mujiburrahman, Teuku Zulfikar, Shukri Ahmad, Hasnul Arifin Melayu, Jasafat | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun |
Cultural Barrier in the Regeneration Process of Islamic Political Party in Indonesia | Muhamad Nastain, Irwan Abdullah, Zuly Qodir, Hasse Jubba, Bambang Cipto | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun |
Knowledge Integration in Indonesian State Islamic Institutes and Universities: A Review | Hasbollah Toisuta, Saidin Ernas & Sri Ratna Dewi Lampong | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Islamic Thought |
Resistance of Islamist Groups to Government Policies in the Settlement of Religious Radicalism | Novi Hendri, Saifuddin Zuhri, Maiza Elvira & Ismail | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Islamic Thought |
The Authority of Khalwatiyah Tariqa of Sheikh Yusuf Al-Makassary on Fostering Religious Moderation in South Sulawesi | Aminah Azis, Mustaqim Pabbajah, Hannani & M. Tau6iq Hidayat Pabbajah | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Islamic Thought |
The Increase in the Use of the “Saya” Expression among the Sumbawa Millennial Generation in the Globalization Era | Muhammad Saleh, Muhammad Wildan, Jho Ahmad | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences |
The Retraction of Dragon Ornaments Onceramics in Dayak Community Life | Noor Sudiyati, Suyami Suyami, Iwan Pranoto, Hanggar Budi Prasetya, Ediantes, Tri Wulandari | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | ArtsEduca |
Towards understanding the effect of work on teacher’s mental health: a mixed method study | Rahmat Aziz, Irwan Abdullah, Iin Tri Rahayu, Elok Halimatus Sa’diyah, Fuad Nashori | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS) |
Science And Its Role In Changes In Islamic Legal Thought (An Analysis Of Changes In The Fatwa Of The Indonesian Ulema Council Due To Recent Scientific Findings) | Muhammad Rasyid, Muhsin Aseri, Sukarni, Akh. Fauzi Aseri, Muhammad Syazwan Faid | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Syariah: Jurnal Hukum dan Pemikiran |
Revolutionizing Teungku Dayah learning model: exploring the transformative impact of technological advancements on Islamic education in Aceh | Mohd. Nasir, Syamsul Rizal, Basri, & Mustaqim Pabbajah | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Education |
Differentiation in How Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Women Responded to the Jihad Fatwa in the 1945 Battle of Surabaya | Sugiarti, Reiza D. Dienaputra, Awaludin Nugraha, N. Kartika, and Fakhriati | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies |
Revitalization Supervision Islamic Banking in Enhancement Compliance in Indonesia and Malaysia | Muammar Arafat Yusmad, Irwansyah Irwansyah, Syamsul Azizul Bin Marinsah, Mukhtaram Ayyub, Muh. Shadri Kahar Muang | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam |
Moral consistency of Indonesian culture: A case of “Nyangku Ritual” in Sundanese society | Try Riduwan Santosoa, Rizqi Rahayub, Zaenudin Hudi Prasojo, Jamaluddin Jahid Haneng | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences |
The making of living ḥadīth: a new direction of ḥadīth studies in Indonesia | Saifuddin Zuhri Qudsy,Irwan Abdullah,Hasse Jubba,Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo, & Egi Tanadi Taufik | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Culture and Religion |
Indonesian Muslim society’s reception of sensation language and invitation to polygamy on social media | Rika Astari, Djamaluddin Perawironegoro, Muhammad Irfan Faturrahman, Hanif Cahyo Adi Kistoro | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies |
The Controversy over the Hadith on Martyrs in the Context of COVID-19 Corpse Handling | Rika Astari, Saifuddin Zuhri Qudsy, Muhammad Irfan Faturrahman, Choirul Mahfud, Mochlasin | 2024 | Buka sumber Tautan | The International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society |
Regulation of Intergovernmental Disputes: The Aviation Industry Case Study | Muhammad Saleh, Muhammad Wildan, Gemuh Surya Wahyudi | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Corporate and Business Strategy Review |
AI Threat and Digital Disruption: Examining Indonesian Ulema in the Context of Digital Culture | Robby Habiba Abror, Rabiatul Adawiah, Nanum Sofia | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies |
Controlling the Brantas river: construction and impact of Japan-supported irrigation infrastructure on the agricultural economy and the environment in East Java | Rabiatul Adawiah | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Arts & Humanities |
Factors Influencing the Behavioral Intention to Use Sharia Securities as an Investment option in Indonesia | Nanum Sofia | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Business and Society |
Modernising tradition: Reinforcing ASWAJA al-Nahdhiyah authority among millennials in Indonesia | Umdatul Hasanah, Khairil Anam, Muassomah | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | HTS Theological Studies |
The Authorship of Shaykh Nawawi Al-Bantani n Arabic Linguistics Studies | Kamran As’at Irsyady, UIN Saifudin Zuhri Qudsy, Mufliha Wijayati, Muasssomah | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Indonesian Islam |
Reinforcement of Social Stratification through the Use of Speech Levels in Madurese Translation of Qur’anic Dialogue Verses | Masyithah Mardhatillah, Moh. Hafid Effendy, Kudrat Abdillah, Fahrurrozi, Usman | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Indonesian Islam |
Students’ well-being development in the classroom: a mixed- method study | Rahmat Aziz, Mulyadi, Muhammad Samsul Hadi, Esa Nur Wahyuni, Rubaidi | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) |
Religious moderation of Islamic university students in Indonesia: Reception of religious texts | Benny Afwadzi, Umi Sumbulah, Nur Ali, Saifuddin Z. Qudsy | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | HTS Teologiese Studies |
Islam and the Tradition of Gender: Exploring the Intersection of Religion and Culture in Indonesia | Sangidu, Angga Teguh Prasetyo, Farida Arianti, Putri Ananda Saka, Sri Hidayati, Nelly | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Religion |
Religion of Pandemic: Delegitimization of Authority during the Covid-19 Era | Irwan Abdullah, Mulan Tang, Putri Rahmah Nurhakim, Bibi Suprianto, Henky Fernando | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Al-Albab |
Examining the Relationship between Servant Leadership, Organizational Commitment, and Task Performance of Lecturers around Religious Colleges | Adison Adrianus Sihombing, Nurhattati Fuad, Mustaqim Pabbajah, Honorata Ratnawati Dwi Putranti, Fredrikus Djelahu Maigahoaku, Maifalinda Fatra | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | The International Journal of Educational Organization and Leadership |
The Resistance of Madurese Muslim Society to the Development of Non-Muslim Tourism Objects | Erie Hariyanto, Novita Cahyani, Eka Susylawati, Ahmad Sunawari Long, Saifuddin Zuhri Qudsy, Umi Supraptiningsih | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | JURNAL ILMIAH PEURADEUN: The Indonesian Journal of the Social Sciences |
Language of COVID-19: Language Absorption in the Pandemic Vocabulary from English to Arabic | Muassomah | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Arabic-English Studies |
Exploring Student and Teacher Perspectives on Well-being Development: A Mixed-methods Investigation | Rahmat Aziz, Mulyadi, Retno Mangestuti, M. Samsul Hady, Esa Nur Wahyuni | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Participatory Educational Research |
Rock on the Java coast: Reproduction of gedhog woven batik culture amidst global fashion development (Tuban community life ritual media) | Lucky Wijayanti & Fakhriati | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Arts & Humanities |
Survival strategies of two changing societies’ customary consultative assemblies: The orahua of Nias and the kerapatan adaik of West Sumatra | Syahrul, Ninawati; Sunarti, Sastri; Fatmahwati; Atisah; Yetti, Erli; Suryami; Iswanto, Agus | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Arts & Humanities |
Learning about Religious Moderation from the Local Literature “Sinom Wedhatama” | Suyoto & Hanggar Budi Prasetya | 2024 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Arts Educa |
Changes in the Political Behavior of Towani Tolotang as a Minority Religious Group: Fiqh Al-‘Aqaliyyāt Perspective | Hasse Jubba, Ahmad Sunawari Long, Zuly Qodir, Umar Werfete, Muhamad Nastain | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | AL-IHKAM: Jurnal Hukum & Pranata Sosial |
The Reinforcement of the ‘Dowry for Groom’ Tradition in Customary Marriages of West Sumatra’s Pariaman Society | Busyro, B. , Burhanuddin, N. , Muassomah, M. , Saka, P.A. , Wafa, M.A | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Samarah |
Sigar Semongko and Gilir Waris: The Controversy of Customary Law and Islamic Law in the Inheritance System | Sri Lumatus Sa’adah, Saifuddin Zuhri Qudsy, Nur Quma Laila | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Ahkam Jurnal Ilmu Syariah |
Between Exclusivity and Inclusivity of Institutions: Examining the Role of the Indonesian Ulema Council and Its Political Fatwa in Handling the Spread of Covid-19 | Muhammad Lutfi Hakim, Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo, Muhammed Sahrin bin Haji Masri, Muhammad Fauzinudin Faiz, Fuad Mustafid, Busro | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Khazanah Hukum |
Redefining the Islamic Defenders Front’s (FPI) identity after its dissolution by the Indonesian government | Ali Maksum, Hasse Jubba, Irwan Abdullah, Esa Nur Wahyuni, Abdul Rachman Sopyan | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies |
Human Rights and Views of the Catholic Church under Habermas Discourse Theory: Discovering Common Ground in Differences | Otto Gusti NdegongMadung, Adison Adrianus Sihombing, Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Southeast Asian Human Rights |
Customer switching behavior among Indonesian Muslims: Evidence from the merger of Indonesia’s State-owned Islamic banks | Mochlasin,Nornajihah Nadia Hasbullah, Ahmad Mifdlol Muthohar, & Saiful Anwar | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Business & Management |
The Journalism Crisis in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia | Dudi Iskandar, Deddy Mulyana, Sitti Murni Kaddi | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia |
Religion and the pandemic trap: Muslim worship post-COVID-19 in Indonesia | Henky Fernando, Irwan Abdullah, & Mohamad Yusuf | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Culture and Religion |
Online Mass Services during the Pandemic: Catholic Perspectives—Between Solutions and Theological Tensions | Adison Adrianus Sihombing, Robert Pius Manik, Juju Saepudin, Retno Kartini Savitaningrum Imansah, Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Toronto Journal of Theology |
“Caliphate no in Indonesia”: Nurcholish Madjid and Yudian Wahyudi critiques toward Islamic State discourse in Indonesian Islam | Lahaji & Ahmad Faisal | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Social Sciences |
Islamic business development of Madurese-owned ethnic-based grocery stores: Study from Indonesia | Zainal Abidin, Sakinah, Farid Firmansyah, Moch Cholid Wardi, Rudy Haryanto, Sri Handayani & Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Economics & Finance |
Pedagogical innovation and teacher collaborations in supporting student learning success in Indonesia | Tuti Budirahayu & Muhammad Saud | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Education |
Intolerance in Islamic textbooks: The quest for an Islamic teaching model for Indonesian schools | Ikhrom, Irwan Abdullah, Reza Kafipour, Zulfi Mubaraq, & Agus Sutiyono | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Education |
Educating islamic values through wiwitan tradition | Agus Maimun, Agus Indiyanto, M. Mujab | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Indonesian Islam |
Mediating role of socio-religious behavior on consumption pattern changes of middle-class Muslims: An analysis using SEM | Syaparuddin Razak, Irwan Abdullah, Jumriani Raking, & Andi Nuzul | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Business & Management |
Past preferences informing future leaders for Indonesian 2024 general elections | Yuniar Galuh Larasati, Henky Fernando, Hasse Jubba, Irwan Abdullah, Muhammad Rifai Darus, &Suparto Iribaram | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Social Sciences |
The de-existence of Islamic political parties in general elections: A case study of Indonesia as a Muslim-majority country | Henky Fernando, Yuniar Galuh Larasati, Irwan Abdullah, Hasse Jubba, Abdul Mugni, and Pratama D. Persadha | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Social Sciences |
Understanding “Service Learning” in a Traditional Islamic Boarding Schools in Aceh, Indonesia | Ismail Anshari, Teuku Zulfikar, Tihalimah, Irwan Abdullah, Universitas Gadjah MadaFollow Mujiburrahman Mujiburrahman, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | The Qualitative Report |
The Construction of Hadith Addressing genetic Engineering of Humans | Tasmim Tangngareng, Irwan Abdullah, Rahman, Sawaluddin | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Jurnal Ilmiah Islam Futura |
Environmental Politics: Waste, Stool, and Disciplinary Effort of the Surabaya Society, 1920s-1940s | Sarkawi B Husain, Agus Indiyanto, Eni Sugiarti | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Paramita: Historical Sudies Journal |
Language of COVID-19: Language Absorption in the Pandemic Vocabulary from English to Arabic | Muassomah | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Arabic-English Studies |
Beyond health regulations: Lessons from vaccine acceptance and the prevention of the COVID-19 pandemic | Shinta Dewi Rismawati & Irwan Abdullah | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Social Sciences |
Reconstructing the Meaning of Work to Promote Teachers’ Mental Health | R. Aziz, R. Mangestuti, Y. Sholichatun, Ali. Ridho, M. Mukhibat | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Health Education and Health Promotion |
The debate between Mochtar Lutfi and Nadjamoeddin Daeng Malewa regarding ministry of religion within Negara Indonesia Timur (The State of East Indonesia), 1946–1950 | Sarkawi B. Husaina dan William Bradley Horton | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences |
The construction of harmonious life in Riau manuscript | Devi Fauziyah Ma’rifat, Suyami, Ninawati Syahrul, Iskandar, Henky Fernando, Aisya Binti Syarif | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Arts & Humanities |
Ecotheology: environmental ethical view in water spring protection | Ali Maksum, Abdul Rachman Sopyan, Agus Indiyanto, Esa Nur Wahyuni | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics |
Cultural hybridization in the veneration of a Javanese local hero as a kongco at Lasem’s Gie Yong Bio Chinese temple during Indonesia’s reformation Era | Suastiwi Triatmodjo, M. Agus Burhan, Hanggar Budi Prasetya, Endah Budiarti, Henky Fernando | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Arts & Humanities |
Minangkabau’s Doro Tradition: Coexistence of Customary Law and Islamic Law in Caning Punishment | Ismail Ismail, Novi Hendri, Putri Rahmah Nurhakim | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam |
Construction of religious counselling theory from the perspective of the Qur’an | Ardimen, Hadiarni, Murisal, Hardivizon, Romi Fajar Tanjung | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | British Journal of Guidance & Counselling |
Perceptions and reflections on online learning and implications for guidance and counseling | Ardimen Ardimen, Gustina Gustina, Sasmi Nelwati, Adripen Adripen, Zainal Asril, Romi Fajar Tanjung | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Education and e-Learning Research |
Multi-level actor-network: Case of Peatland programs in a Riau Village, Indonesia (1974–2020) | Yuti A. Fatimah, Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo, Stuart W. Smith, N. Estya B. Rahman, David A. Wardle, Kwek Yan Chong, Asmadi Saad, Janice S.H. Lee | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Geoforum |
Welfare state-based agricultural policies in Malaysia | Khoirul Hidayah,Mohd Halim Mahphoth, Syabbul Bachri, & Ramadhita | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Social Sciences |
Profiling and action plan strategies for teachers’ mental health | Rahmat Aziz dan Retno Mangestuti | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry & Psychology |
Teacher-parent collaboration for developing student character in online learning | Rahmat Aziz, Meinarni Susilowati, Masturin Masturin, Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education |
Coping with Technology: Children’s Experience with Learning from Home during the COVID-19 Pandemic | Muassomah, Halimi, Irwan Abdullah, Ismail, Umi Zahroh | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education |
Local wisdom in economic practice: An empowerment Fiqh analysis of the tesang tradition of the Buginese and Makassarese | Abd Rahman,Hasse Jubba, Irwan Abdullah, Supardin, Hamzah Hasan, Tasmin Tangngareng & Mirna Yusuf | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Social Sciences |
Musicological Analysis of The Recitation of Surah Al-Fatiha in The Musically-performed Congregational Worship | Andre Indrawan, Salsabil, & Muhammad Fikrul Islami | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Rast Musicology Journal |
Identity struggle through the negotiation of cultural identity in the translation of French cultural references into Javanese | Sajarwa, Nadia Khumairo Ma’shumah, Noor Diana Arrasyid, & Arwatrisi Ediani | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Arts & Humanities |
Inequality as a cultural construction: Women’s access to land rights in Madurese society | Umi Supraptiningsih, Hasse Jubba, Erie Hariyanto, & Theadora Rahmawati | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Social Sciences |
Gender Inequality in Arabic Textbook: Misrepresentation of Women in Culture and Society | Muassomah, Halimi, Yasmadi, Helmi Kamal, Hisyam Zaini, Asyifa Nadia Jasmine | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Society, Culture & Language |
EFL Learners’ Preference of Grammar Learning Model Amid Covid-19 Pandemic: A Mixed-Methods Study | Suswati, Na’imah, Wisma Yunita, Yulnetri, Hendra Eka Putra | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Instruction |
Language and COVID-19: A discourse analysis of resistance to lockdown in Indonesia | Na’imah, Muassomah, Zulfi Mubaraq, Suswati, Mohamad Hussin, Rabbani Ischak, Rizki Andini | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Heliyon |
The Dynamics of Islamic Education Policies in Indonesia | Mohammad Kosim, Faqihul Muqoddam, Faidol Mubarok, & Nur Quma Laila | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Education |
Liturgical transformation of Diocesan Church in Palangkaraya, Indonesia | Fransiskus J. Hamu, Adison A. Sihombing, Zaenuddin H. Prasojo, Emanuel P.D. Martasudjita, Antonius D. Firmanto | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | HTS Teologiese Studies |
Intercultural Dialogue in Social Processes: Lessons Learned from Local Wisdom | Isnarmi Moeis, Junaidi Indrawadi, Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo, Wirdanengsih, Fatmariza, Rika Febriani | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Community Diversity |
From Decision Making to Practice: Economic Growth on Halal Tourism Policies Based on Sharia Regulation in Lombok, Indonesia | M. Syamsurijal, Achmad Nurmandi, Hasse Jubba, Mega Hidayati, Zuly Qodir, Irwan Abdullah | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism |
Halal tourism as a strategic option for South Korean tourism | Ajeng Puspa Marlinda, Faris Al-Fadhat, Bambang Cipto, Hasse Jubba | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Islamic Marketing |
The Role of Airlines in Promoting Halal Tourism | Ajeng Puspa Marlinda, Amelia Puspa Tamara, Riky Sambora, Faris Al-Fdhat, Hasse Jubba, Bambang Cipto | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Sociologia Y Tecnociencia |
Religious Moderation in Islamic Religious Education as a Response to Intolerance Attitudes in Indonesian Educational Institutions | Muhaemin, Rusdiansyah, Mustaqim Pabbajah, Hasbi | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Social Studies Education Research |
The Construction of the Millennial Generaion Religious Vision through Digital Literacy | Desi Erawati, AgusIndiyanto, Arkan Syafera | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies |
The Manipulation of Religion and The Legalization of Underage Marriages in Indonesia | Qodariah Barkah, Cholidi, Siti Rochmiyatun, Sulikah Asmorowati, Henky Fernando | 2023 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam |
Education of Marginalized Groups: A Study on the Religiosity of Street Children in the Regency of Jember | Safrudin Edi Wibowo, Aminullah Elhady, Badrut Tamam, Fathiyaturrahmah | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Ulumuna: Journal of Islamic Studies |
Gender Equity in Inheritance System: The Collaboration of Islamic and Bugis Luwu Customary Law | Andi Sukmawati Assaad, Saifuddin Zuhri Qudsy, Baso Hasyim, Muhammad Taufan Badollahi, Abdul Wahid Haddade | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | al-Ihkam: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial |
Erratum: Theology of health of Quranic pesantren in the time of COVID-19 | Ahmad Baidowi, Ahmad Salehudin, Abdul Mustaqim, Saifuddin Z. Qudsy, Nurul Hak | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | HTS Teologiese Studies |
Violations of Islamic Law in Male–Female Relations: The Shifting of Nyubuk Tradition of the Customary Peoples of Lampung | Suhairi1*Siti Nurjanah2 Saifuddin Zuhri Qudsy, Khoirul Abror, Mufliha Wijayati, Agus Alimuddin, Ahmed Sarjoon Razick, Anas Tajudin | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies |
Redefining status through burqa: Religious transformation and body politics of Indonesia’s woman migrant workers | Inayah Rohmaniyah, Agus Indiyanto, Zainuddin Prasojo, Julaekhah | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Historical Thought and Source Interpretation |
Female Ulama’s Authority: Deconstructing Masculine Domination in Islamic Norms and Practices | Inayah Rohmaniyah, Samia Kotele, Mustaqim Pabbajah & Hasna Safarina Rasyidah | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Islamic Thought |
Accommodation of local wisdom in conflict resolution of Indonesia’s urban society | Ashadi L Diab, Mustaqim Pabbajah, Ratri Nurina Widyanti, Lian Mulyani Muthalib, and Widi Fajar Widyatmoko | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Social Sciences |
Local wisdom utilization in the industrial dispute settlement: Sara Wanua as a social conflict resolution for workers in Indonesia | Ashadi L Diab Mustaqim Pabbajah Kamaruddin Ratri Nurina Widyanti Widi Fajar Widyatmoko Zainal Said | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | African Journal of Social Work |
Political Interaction Strategy Corporate Social Responsibility of PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper in Riau Province, Indonesia | Made Devi Wedayanti, Achmad Nurmandi, Hasse Jubba, Boby Indra Pulungan | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning |
Muslims Resistance to Health Protocols in COVID-19 Funeral: A Study of Islamic Law | Zainuddin, Saifuddin Zuhri Qudsy, Novita Cahyani, Zulkifli, Arifki Budia Warman | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam |
Inheritance Rights of Women in Makassar Society: A Study of Living Qur’an and its Implications for Islamic Law | Halimah Basri, Andi Miswar, Hamka Hasan, Mustaqim Pabbajah, Subehan Khalik | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam |
Political Dynamics of Islamic Law in the Reform Era: A Study of the Response of Muhammadiyah Cadres in Central Kalimantan | Surya Sakti, Tulus Warsito, Zuly Qodir, Hasse Jubba | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam |
Islamic Movements in Indonesia: A Critical Study of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia and Jaringan Islam Liberal | Ali Maksum, Irwan Abdullah, Siti Mas’udah, Muhammad Saud | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Al-Tamaddun |
The construction of an Islamic capitalism through Pagang Gadai amongst the Minangkabau people | Syukri Iska, Hasse Jubba, Epicandra Epicandra, & Mirna Yusuf | 2022 | Buka Sumber tautan | Cogent Social Sciences |
Online Teaching Practice of Preservice Teachers during Pandemic COVID-19 | Raharjo, Nur Asiyah, Fitri Oviyanti, Endah Dwi Lestari, Firdaus Himawan Raharjo | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Humanities and Social Sciences Letters |
Impact of Online Learning on Teachers’ Authority During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia | Raharjo Raharjo, Irwan Abdullah, Agus Indiyanto, Siti Mariam, Firdaus Himawan Raharjo | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Educational Reform |
Return of the Lost Son: Disengagement and social reintegration of former terrorists in Indonesia | Zulfi Mubaraq, Syamsul Arifin, Irwan Abdullah, Hasse Jubba, & Agus Indiyanto | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Social Sciences |
The Rejection of Women Imams in Indonesia: Between Religious and Socio-Cultural Texts | Nurun Najwah, Irwan Abdullah, Saifuddin Zuhri Qudsy, Ahmad Baidowi | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journals and Campus Publications |
The Portrayal of Gender in the Arabic Construction, Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, | Muassomah Muassomah, Irwan Abdullah, Umdatul Hasanah, Nyimas Umi Kulsum, Akhmad Muzakki | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies |
Questioning Fiqh Muamalah of Toleration: Religious Spatial Segregation in the Urban Area of Yogyakarta | Nur Quma Laila & Irwan Abdullah | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | AL-IHKAM: Jurnal Hukum & Pranata Sosial |
Adoption of Islamic microfinance in Indonesia an empirical investigation: an extension of the theory of planned behaviour | Purwanto PurwantoORCID,Irwan Abdullah, Abdul Ghofur, Shodiq Abdullah, & Misbah Zulfa Elizabeth | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Business & Management |
The role of family counseling in handling autistic children | Imam Mujahid, Irwan Abdullah, Minsih Minsih, Siti Norlina Muhamad | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Psikohumaniora: Jurnal Penelitian Psikologi |
The Academic Demoralization of Students in Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic | Muassomah Muassomah, Irwan Abdullah, Umdatul Hasanah, Dalmeri Dalmeri, Adison Adrianus Sihombing, and Luis Rodrigo | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Frontiers in Education |
The Controversy of Muslim Community Interpretation of the COVID-19 Pandemic | Naqiyah Naqiyah, Irwan Abdullah, Zulfi Mubaraq, Farah Nuril Izzah, Hasse Jubba, Muhammad Khairi Mahyudin, Farah Amani, Inas Haidar | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies |
The Contestation of the Meaning of Tourism | Slamet, Irwan Abdullah, and Nur Quma Laila | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Heliyon 8 |
Qur’anic Interpretation of Ashura Day Celebrations in Mappasagena Culture of Buginese Community of South Sulawesi-Indonesia | Andi Miswar, Saifuddin Zuhri Qudsy, Irwan Abdullah, Halimah Basri, & Hamka Hasan | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Arts & Humanities |
Londo iha: Elopement and bride kidnapping amongst the Muslims of Monta, Bima, Indonesia | Hamzah Hasan, Hasse Jubba, Irwan Abdullah Mustaqim Pabbajah, & Abd Rahman R | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Social Sciences |
Intercultural values in local wisdom: A global treasure of Minangkabau ethnic in Indonesia | Isnarmi Moeis, Rika Febriani, Ika Sandra, & Mustaqim Pabbajah | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Arts & Humanities |
The Decision of Constitutional Justices: Between Juridical Considerations and Islamic Values in The Indonesian Legal System | Saifullah, Ahmad Tholabi Kharlie, Aditya Prastian Supriyadi | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences |
The Tradition of Pilgrimage to the Grave of Muslim Missionaries in Misool Island, Papua | Ade Yamin, Mufliha Wijayati, Ana Maria Fatimah Parera, & Rahmawansyah Sahib | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Islamic Thought |
Covid 19 Pandemic In Indonesia: Some Reflections From Bażl Al-Māʿūn By Ibn Ḥajr Al-ʿasqalānī | Saifuddin Zuhri Qudsy, Mustaqim Pabbajah, Hasse Jubba, Muhammad Zain, Arkan Syafera | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Malaysian and Indonesian Studies |
Strengthening religious moderatism through the traditional authority of kiai in Indonesia | Ahmad Faisal, Mustaqim Pabbajah, Irwan Abdullah, Nova Effenty, Muhammad & Muh. Rusli | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Social Sciences |
The tribal education in Indonesia: Detribalization challenges of Samin tribe | Abdul Kholiq, Agus Mutohar, Bambang Sumintono | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Education |
Revitalizing The Role Of Consumers And Ojk In Overcoming Illegal Online Loan | Handoyo Prasetyo, Subakdi, Bambang Waluyo | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | The Seybold Report Journal |
Islamic Educational Thought of Ibn Jama’ah : Critical Analysis of Teaching and Learning Objectives | Muhammad Hamzah, Sakdiah, Sri Astuti, Muhammad Furqan | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Tadris Jurnal Pendidikan Islam |
Carelessness in preserving manuscripts as a heritage: cases of local treatment in Indonesia | Fakhriati Fakhriati, Nyimas Umi Kalsum, Sugiarti Sugiarti, Husnul Fahimah Ilyas | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development |
Multicultural Education On Quality Of Education Through Clinical Supervision | Syamsul Arifin, Sutama, Sekar Ayu Aryani, Anip Dwi Saputro, Ari Kartiko | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences |
Young Muslims’ responses to conception through in-vitro fertilization | Ahdiana Yuni Lestari, Hasse Jubba, Siti Ismijati Jenie, Suparto Iribaram, and Rabiatul Adawiah | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Social Sciences |
The Formalization of Sharia in Aceh to Discipline the Female Body | Zuly Qodir, Hasse Jubba, Mega Hidayati, Dyah Mutiarin | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Al-Jāmi‘ah: Journal of Islamic Studies |
Public Trust on Policy for Mobility Restrictions Policy in Indonesia an Analysis from Social Media Twitter | Paisal Akbar, Achmad Nurmandi, Bambang Irawan, Zuly Qodir, & Hasse Juba | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction |
Contesting Ethnic and Religious Identities in the 2019 Indonesian Elections: Political Polarization in West Kalimantan | Zuly Qodir, Hasse Jubba, Mega Hidayati | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | STUDIA ISLAMIKA: Indonesian Journal for Islamic Studies |
The contestation between conservative and moderate Muslims in promoting Islamic moderatism in Indonesia | Hasse Jubba, Jaffary Awang, Zuly Qodir, Hannani, & Mustaqim Pabbajah | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Social Sciences |
Does Colletive Action Institutionalize Rational Choice? Candidate Selection in Indonesian Political Parties | Andi Luhur Prianto, Achmad Nurmandi, Zuly Qodir, Hasse Jubba | 2022 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Liberty and International Affairs |
South Korea’s Halal Tourism Policy – The Primacy of Demographic Changes and Regional Diplomacy | Ajeng Puspa Marlinda, Bambang Cipto, Hasse Jubba | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies |
Muhammadiyah Identity and Muslim Public Good: Muslim Practices in Java | Zuly Qodir, Hasse Jubba, Dyah Mutiarin, & Mega Hidayati | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Islamic Thought |
Climate change and religion: from ethics to sustainability action | Andi Luhur Prianto, Achmad Nurmandi, Zuly Qodir, and Hasse Jubba | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Conference on Environmental and Energy Sustainabilities |
The Influence of Artificial Intelligence to Support Halal Tourism Policy in South Korea | A P Marlinda, B Cipto, F Al-Fadhat, and H Jubba | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science |
Artificial Intelligence in Election Party of Broker Clientelism Joxzin (Jogjakarta Islamic Never Die) | Yeyen Subandi1, Zuly Qodir, Hasse Jubba, dan Achmad Nurmandi | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science |
Discussions About Covid-19 in Indonesia. Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization Article Indexed in Scopus by Indonesian Authors | M. Syamsurrijal, Achmad Nurmandi, Misran, Hasse Jubba, Mega Hidayati, & Zuly Qodir | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction |
Social capital and social trust: The state’s response in facing the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia | Tawakkal Baharuddin, Zuly Qodir, Sjafri Sairin, Hasse Jubba, Nurmandi Achmad, Mega Hidayati | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Sociologia y Tecnociencia |
From the scriptural to the virtual: Indonesian engineering students responses to the digitalization of Islamic education | Mustaqim Pabbajah, Hasse Jubba, Irwan Abdullah, M. Taufiq Hidayat Pabbajah, Juhansar | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Teaching Theology & Religion |
Best practices for identifying hoaxes: An analysis of the methodology of hadith transmission | Uswatun Hasanah, Saifuddin Zuhri Qudsy, Irwan Abdullah | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Islamic Quarterly |
Reorienting moral education for millennial muslims: The changing role of Islamic boarding school in Indonesia | Hasse Jubba, Mustaqim Pabbajah, Irwan Abdullah, Juhansar | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Islamic Quarterly |
Femininity and Masculinity in Arabic Words: Gender Marking in Muslim Cosmology | Muassomah Muassomah, Wildana Wargadinata, Galuh Nur Rohmah, Rohmani Nur Indah, Siti Masitoh, Istiadah Istiadah, Irwan Abdullah | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Langkawi: Journal of The Association for Arabic and English |
Early Child Marriage: Customary Law, Support System, and Unwed Pregnancy in Gorontalo | Sastro Mustapa Wantu, Irwan Abdullah, Yowan Tamu, Intan Permata Sari | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam |
Existence and coexistence of the Muslim migrants: the ecopolitics roles in Papua | Hasse Jubba, Irwan Abdullah, Fasisal, Zuly Qodir, Suparto Iribaram, Mustaqim Pabbajah, & Ade Yamin | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture |
Interreligious Literacy Learning as a Counter-Radicalization Method: A New Trend among Institutions of Islamic Higher Education in Indonesia | Nur Ali, Benny Afwadzi, Irwan Abdullah & Muhammad Islahul Mukmin | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations |
Promoting Qur’anic Verses That Reject Violence | Ahmad Baidowi, Saifuddin Zuhri Qudsy, Nurun Najwah | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies |
The superficial religious understanding in Hadith memes: Mediatization of Hadith in the industrial revolution 4.0 | Irwan Abdullah, Mustaqim Pabbajah, Mustaqim | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies |
Justice brokers: Women’s experiences with injustice and dependence in the divorce process | Mufliha Wijayati, Irwan Abdullah, Sally White, Aden Rosadi,Ade Yamin, Yuniar Galuh Larasati | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Social Sciences |
The contestation of national and religious curricula in Indonesia’s madrasas since the passage of the uuspn | Ihsan Ihsan, Mustaqim Pabbajah, Irwan Abdullah, Hanik Hidayati | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Educational Studies |
Interpretation of Historical Values of Sunan Kudus: Religious Moderation in Indonesian Islamic Boarding Schools | Ihsan dan Irwan Abdullah | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research |
Learning with technology: new experiences for indonesian children during COVID-19 | Muassomah Muassomah and Irwan Abdullah | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Social Science |
Pilgrimage to Bawakaraeng Mountain Among the Bugis Makassar in Indonesia: A Contestation between Islamic Identity and Local Tradition | Mustaqim Pabbajah, Irwan Abdullah, Hasse Jubba, M. Pabbajah, Taufiq Hidayat, Zainal Said | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | The international journal of religious tourism and pilgrimage |
Contribution of Sufism to the Development of Moderate Islam in Nusantara | M. Afis Anshori, Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo & Lailatul Muhtifah | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Islamic Thought |
The theology of Islamic moderation education in Singkawang, Indonesia: The city of tolerance | Lailial Muhtifah, Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo, Sukman Sappe, Elmansyah | 2021 | Buka Sumber Tautan | HTS Teologiese Studies |
Theology of Jiḥād based on the ḥadīth:Ṣaḥīh Bukhāri’sperspective | Wajidi Sayadi, Elmansyah, Zaenuddin H. Prasojo, Ahmad Muaffaq | 2020 | Buka Sumber Tautan | HTS Teologiese Studie |
A Progressive Islamic Movement and its Response to the Issue of the Ummah | Zuli Qodir, Hasse Jubba, Mega Hidayati, Irwan Abdullah, Ahmad Sunawari Long | 2020 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies |
The Space and Place of Humans and Humanity in Language: Arabic and Indonesian Compared | Muassomah Muassomah, Irwan Abdullah, M. Faisol, Hasbollah Toisuta | 2020 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Islamic Thought |
The display of religious symbols in public space: The contestation of muslim and christian identities in Jayapura, Papua | Hasse Jubba, Irwan Abdullah, Mustaqim Pabbajah, Suparto Iribaram, Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo, Zuli Qodir | 2020 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews |
Nostra aetate and space for religious moderation: Interfaith dialogue in multicultural indonesia | Adison Adrianus Sihombing, Irwan Abdullah, Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo | 2020 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies |
As the World Turns: Men Left Behind Due to the International Migration in Indonesia | Misbah Zulfa Elizabeth, Irwan Abdullah, Tyas Retno Wulan, Ririh Megah Safitri, Muhammad Darwis | 2020 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change |
Structuration in Religious Education: The Ideological Burdens of Islamic Education in Indonesian Schools | Mujiburrahman, Irwan Abdullah, Samsudin, Muslim Zaenuddin, Hasnul Arifin, Sabirin | 2020 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change |
Media Representation of Gender: The Marginalization of Female Muslim Scholars in Indonesia | Muhammad Fahmi, Irwan Abdullah, Hasanah Hasanah, Imam Mujahid, Misbah Zulfa Elizabeth | 2020 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Critical Reviews |
Believe in Literature: Character Education for Indonesia’s Youth | Muassomah Muassomah, Irwan Abdullah, Istiadah Istiadah, Anwar Mujahidin, Nurnaningsih Masnawi, Sohrah Sohrah | 2020 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Universal Journal of Educational Research |
Muslim Millennial Perspective On the Existence and Co-existence of Religious Minorities In Indonesia | Hasse Jubba, Zuli Qodir, Irwan Abdullah, Herman, Mustaqim Pabbajah, Abd Rahman R, Suparto Iribaram | 2020 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation |
The Contestation of Values in Character Education: Political Interest and School Burden | Supardin Supardin, Irwan Abdullah, Arkan Syafera, Hasse Jubba, and Husain Insawan | 2020 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Opcion |
Student demoralisation in education: The industrialization of university curriculum in 4.0. Era Indonesia | Mustaqim Pabbajah,Irwan Abdullah, Ratri Nurina Widyanti, Hasse Jubba, Nur Alim | 2020 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Cogent Education |
Why are Women Subordinated? The Misrepresentation of the Qur’an in Indonesian Discourse and Practice | Erwati Aziz, Irwan Abdullah, Zaenuddin H Prasojo | 2020 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of International Women’s Studies |
Pluralistic nations and preventing the ethno-religious divergences in Southeas Asia | Abdullah Idi, Irwan Abdullah, J. Suyuthi Pulungan, Muhammad Adil, Rohimin | 2020 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Critical Reviews |
COVID-19: Threat and Fear in Indonesia | Irwan Abdullah | 2020 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy |
Deauthorization of the religious leader role in countering covid- 19: Perceptions and responses of muslim societies on the ulama’s policies in Indonesia | M Pabbajah, NM Said, F Faisal, M Pabbajah, H Jubba, J Juhansar | 2020 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Criminology and Sociology |
Islamic Political Polarisation on Social Media during the 2019 Presidential Election in Indonesia | Salahudin ORCID Iconhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-5687-0812 View further author information ORCID Icon, Achmad Nurmandi, Hasse Jubba, Zuly Qodir, Jainuri, Paryanto | 2020 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Asian Affairs |
Elite capture of budget corruption in three Indonesian regions | Salahudin Salahudin, Achmad Nurmandi, Zuly Qodir, Hasse Jubba, Dyah Mutiarin | 2020 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Public Policy and Administration |
A New Perspective on Relations between Islam and Democracy in Indonesia | Muhammad Azhar, Ahmad Sahide, Mega Hidayati, Hasse Jubba | 2020 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change |
Audience Culture in the Reception of Text: Black Campaigns on Online Media during Indonesia’s 2014 and 2019 Presidential Election | Irwan Abdullah, Sugeng Bayu Wahyono, Pratama Dahlian Persadha | 2019 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews |
Discourse of Communication during the Month of Ramadhan in Sorong and Mentawai, Indonesia | Rita Erlinda, Ismail Suardi Wekke, Hasse Jubba, Irwan Abdullah | 2019 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change |
From selfism to indifferentism: Challenges facing Indonesia cultura and society | Irwan Abdullah, Hasse Jubba, Mustaqim Pabbajah, Intan Permata Sari, Saifuddin Zuhri, Saidin Ernas | 2019 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies |
Beyond School Reach: Character Education in Three Schools in Yogyakarta, Indonesia | Irwan Abdullah, Bambang Hudayana, Setiadi, Pande Made Kutanegara, Agus Indiyanto | 2019 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Educational and Social Research |
Contested socioreligious reality: An-Nadzir, a non-mainstream Islamic movement in Indonesia | Mustaqim Pabbajah, Irwan Abdullah, Juhansar Juhansar, and Hasse Jubba | 2019 | Buka Sumber Tautan | The international Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society |
Muhammadiyah’s moderation stance in the 2019 general election | Haedar Nashir, Zuly Qodir, Achmad Nurmandi, Hasse Jubba, Mega Hidayati | 2019 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Al-Jami’ah: Journal of Islamic Studies |
Culture implementation of corporate social responsibility at Pt. Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper in Pelalawan District, Riau Province | MD Wedayanti, A Nurmandi, H Jubba, S Juliana | 2019 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change |
Regional development management through CSR in Pelalawan District, Riau Province | Moris Adidi Yogia, Made Devi Wedayanti, Achmad Nurmandi, Hasse Jubba | 2019 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change |
The future relations between the majority and minority religious groups, viewed from Indonesian contemporary perspective: A case study of the coexistence of Muslims and the Towani Tolotang in Amparita, South Sulawesi | H Jubba, M Pabbajah, ZH Prasodjo, Z Qodir | 2019 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of Islamic Thought |
Moderate Islam and the Social Construction of Multi-Ethnic Communities in the hinterland of West Kalimantan | Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo, Elmansyah Elmansyah, Muhammed Sahrin Haji Masri | 2019 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies |
Communalism shattered: Thirty years of conflict experiences in the province of Aceh, Indonesia | Irwan Abdullah | 2018 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Anthropological Notebooks |
The Construction of Marginality of Border Areas: A Case Study of Natuna Island in Indonesia | Marsetio, Irwan Abdullah, Rudiyanto, Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo, Ririt Yuniar, and Rajab Ritonga | 2017 | Buka Sumber Tautan | International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology |
Di Bawah Bayang-Bayang Media : Kodifikasi, Divergensi, Dan Kooptasi Agama Di Era Internet | Irwan Abdullah | 2017 | Buka Sumber Tautan | UNDIP E-JOURNAL SYSTEM |
Social Change and the Contributions of the Tionghoa, Dayak and Melayu (Tidayu) in West Kalimantan | Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo | 2017 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Borneo Studies in History, Society and Culture |
Indigenous Community Identity Within Muslim Societies in Indonesia: A Study of Katab Kebahan Dayak in West Borneo | Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo | 2011 | Buka Sumber Tautan | Journal of Islamic Studies |
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